Monday, September 8, 2008

Two days at once.

I have to be up very early tomorrow, so I'm about off to bed, but I figured I should have my lunch done so I can just grab it.

First of all, here is today's lunch. Again, sort of the same thing that I have been making- veggies, dip, rice, jelly, cheese (hiding under the veggies). But I topped the rice with some scrambled egg instead of furikake today. In the lid are some of the good strawberry pocky- the kind with the actual dried strawberry bits in it.

Bento 9-8-08

And for tomorrow- I made some sushi with imitation crab, tobiko, green onion and a sesame soy wrapper. I was going to use avocado, but I opened it up and it was rotten (I hate living alone!) Next to the sushi is a fishy of soy sauce, a dip container of wasabi and a couple cherry tomatoes to keep stuff from shifting. The top tier is a mix of things- hidden under the peach gummy and chocolate is a mochi, next to them is a rabbit shaped egg, some blueberries and mango, and a little cup of grilled veggies.

Bento 9-9-08

1 comment:

Lunch Buckets said...

Last week when we had no groceries I was UBER disappointed when I cut open the last precious avacodo and it was MOLDY inside. Bleh.